An insurance sales script boosts your confidence, reduces your stress, and prepares you for whatever curves come your way.

One thing is a constant in the insurance industry: you will always need to overcome price objections. One simple way to maintain consistency and close more deals is by using an insurance sales script. If you’re working without one, you’re putting yourself at a disadvantage. 

Scripts work for both veteran and new insurance agents alike. That’s why it’s so vital to understand the basics of creating your own. Here are five ways to get started and take your sales calls to the next level. 

insurance sales script

5 Steps to an insurance sales script that can’t miss

Step 1: Know your target audience

The beauty of today’s modern world is that no sales call needs to be 100% cold if you have enough information. Yes, you can create a script for different buyer personas. You should, in fact, have different scripts for first-time insurance buyers, those with lapsed policies, and others. However, you can also research your prospects and personalize that insurance sales script. A few minutes on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter can do wonders for your call. 

Step 2: Determine your goal

Along with different scripts for different buyer personas, you may want to have scripts for different goals. For example, do you want to sell your product, schedule an appointment, or gather information? Whatever your objective is, your whole script should contribute to your success. 

Even if you only have one overarching goal, keep that in your mind and on your script so you can veer the conversation back to it every time it goes in a different direction. These instances will happen more often than you think. 

Bonus tip: If you can’t accomplish your primary objective, you can identify a secondary goal. Doing so will help you keep your funnel full and make the most out of every conversation. 

Step 3: Highlight your unique selling proposition

One of the best ways to connect with a prospect immediately is to discuss your unique selling proposition (USP) — that distinct factor that sets you apart from the competition. Let your potential clients know that you have affordable rates, friendly payment terms, or exceptional customer service. 

And always answer the one question that every customer or prospect will ask: What’s in it for me? How does your product benefit them? The sooner you address it, the sooner you keep them wanting more information. So, once you determine your USP, put it near the start of your insurance sales script, right after the introductions. 

Step 4: Link benefits to pain points

Once you discuss your USPs and benefits to prospects, it’s best to link each one to distinct pain points. As a guide, here are some common pain points you’ll encounter:

  • Lack of communication: Clients rarely talk to brokers and agents unless they need to file a claim or their policies are about to lapse. While these communications are necessary, they don’t build relationships. Give them more reasons to renew their contracts by finding ways to improve your interactions. 
  • Unanswered questions: Insurance can be confusing, and many customers don’t fully understand the details of their policy. When you schedule an appointment, be sure to allow ample time to address all their questions, goals, concerns, and fears.
  • Financial concerns: One of the top apprehensions clients have is how much a policy will cost. They will ask if your prices will go up over time and what factors can cause it to rise or fall. Naturally, informing them about promos and special discounts is always welcome. But don’t use those discounts as a way to avoid the question. Give them honest answers. What might make a home insurance policy more or less expensive? What would cause the premium to go up or down?

Step 5: Always be closing

As a salesperson, you should always be closing. However, that doesn’t mean you should always pressure someone into buying. Closing is more than a signed contract. Expand your definition. Building relationships and providing excellent customer service are two ways to close a deal, they’re just more relaxed and customer-centric ways to approach it. 

Of course, not all conversations end in closed sales, but building some level of interest is essential to your success. One tip? Always leave potential clients with a call to action.

Remember, an insurance sales script allows you to develop a repeatable and scalable process for success.

As you work on your rapport–building skills, let HBW Leads provide you with a list of double-verified leads to propel your agency to new heights. Request a free consultation now to discover new ways to grow your business.