What lead nurturing campaigns will you try in 2021? Check out these five strategies to build a relationship with potential customers and establish yourself as a trusted expert in your field.
It’s rare to become best friends with someone overnight. Sure, it’s possible, but if you’re looking for staying power, a little nurturing goes a long way. The same is true for selling insurance. You likely won’t sell a policy to someone after just one conversation. That’s not to say that it won’t ever happen. But it’s unlikely. Just like putting in time and energy while building a friendship, lead nurturing campaigns are essential in insurance sales.
The goal of lead nurturing campaigns is to engage with potential customers. Introduce them to your agency and show them the good work you do. You want to use lead nurturing campaigns as a way of differentiating yourself from other insurance agents and build a personal connection with your lead. Lead nurturing campaigns come in all different shapes and sizes and can be tailored to fit your agency’s needs. Here are five insurance lead nurturing campaigns to try this year.
Automated Drip Email Campaign
With a little upfront setup time, automated drip email campaigns are great for lead nurturing campaigns since they do the work for you. A drip email campaign is a set of marketing emails sent in a particular order and frequency. By using a CRM software like Blitz Sales Software, you can build an automated system that sends emails according to your designated timeline.
The benefit of using CRM software is that you can automate the drip email process and collect data. You’ll get insights like which potential customers are opening the emails and clicking links. You can even segment the emails to target a particular subset of leads. For instance, If you’re selling auto insurance, one of your drip email campaigns could be for potential customers with teenage drivers. Your successive emails can include content about driving lessons, insurance incentives like good grades, and learning how a higher deductible could save them money. Whoever your targeted group is, the point of these lead nurturing campaigns is to remain top-of-mind by providing useful content.
Phone Follow-up Campaign
Follow-up phone calls are the bread and butter of insurance sales and when it comes to lead nurturing campaigns they are your biggest tool (and often missed opportunity). Using a follow-up call to nurture potential customers can help them get to know you and more importantly help you get to know them! Maybe your lead has cooled off after a few contacts. A follow-up phone call is a great way to reengage with a lead to let them know about a new product or new promotion. Even if they don’t take you up on the offer, the phone call itself is an opportunity to connect and remind your lead that you’re there for them when they’re ready. And every call is an opportunity for you to get more information from your potential customer. Collected information helps you tailor future communication and product offerings.
Direct Mail Campaign
Many people will tell you that “snail mail” is a dying form of communication, but a well-timed direct mailer is one of the best lead nurturing campaigns out there. The key is timing and content. Remember, with lead nurturing campaigns, it’s not always about the immediate sale. So dial down on the promotions or discount advertisements and focus on your potential customer.
Segment your mailing lists based on demographic information so your direct mailings can tailor your segments. Selling home insurance and have leads who own multi-family properties? Consider putting them on one of your direct mail lists and send them postcards or flyers with insurance buying tips for landlords.
Another safe bet for direct mail is a seasonal holiday or New Year greeting card. These kinds of lead nurturing campaigns are simple opportunities to keep your name out there.
Newsletter Campaign
Newsletters are great touchpoints between you and potential customers. Though they may look one-directional, a newsletter campaign that uses CRM software or other newsletter software can offer analytics about who is opening your newsletters most regularly. This could be an indication of who you should target for a phone call or other outreach. Newsletters are a great place to educate your potential customers about the insurance industry and establish your voice as an expert in the field. As with many lead nurturing campaigns, segmenting your newsletter recipients is beneficial depending on your content. Implement a frequency so potential customers receive information from you on a regular basis. Monthly is a good start.
Video Content Campaign
In today’s world, video content is more and more accessible and can be repurposed across platforms including emails, newsletters, and social media. Come up with a regular frequency so your customers and potential customers come to expect your videos (and hopefully get excited about it). Create a hashtag or another gimmick that brands you and your agency. Posting your video content on social media is great because it encourages interaction through comments, likes, and shares. Use video content campaigns to establish yourself as an insurance expert and de-mystify the insurance buying process. Video content that comes in a series (i.e. part one, part two, etc.) works well at building interest. Incorporate live-stream videos into your lead nurturing campaigns as yet another point of contact and interaction.
Nurturing leads can feel like a full-time job and it is vital to sustainable insurance sales growth. Make more time in your schedule for lead nurturing campaigns by working with HBW Leads. HBW Leads takes care of your lead generation needs by leveraging its technology and insurance experts to find you double-verified leads. More leads equal more opportunities for your business to grow.